Biological Sciences
Examine how particular structural features and behaviours of living things enable their survival in specific habitats. (AC9S5U01)
Elaboration: Identify physical and behavioural characteristics that enable a plant or animal to survive.
Science Inquiry
Pose investigable questions to identify patterns & test relationships & make reasonable predictions.
Elaboration: Acknowledging & using information from First Nations Australians to guide the formulation of investigable questions about structural features & behaviours of living things.
The influence of people, including First Nations Australians and people in other countries, on the characteristics of a place. (AC9HS5K04)
Elaboration: Identifying how First Nations Australian communities altered the environment and sustained ways of living through their methods of land and resource management.
The management of Australian environments, including managing severe weather events such as bushfires, floods, droughts or cyclones, and their consequences. (AC9HS5K05)
Elaboration: Exploring how environments are used and managed, such as the practices and laws that aim to manage human impact, the use of zoning to manage local environments, creation of wildlife corridors and national parks.
Economics & Business
Types of resources, including natural, human and capital, and how they satisfy needs and wants. (AC9HS5K08)
Elaboration: Distinguishing between needs and wants, and how resources might be used more sustainably to meet these needs and wants into the future.
Health & Physical Education
Moving our bodies
Refine and apply fundamental movement skills in new movement situations. (AC9HP4M01)
Apply and adapt movement strategies to achieve movement outcomes. (AC9HP4M02)
Demonstrate how movement concepts related to effort, space, time, objects and people can be applied when performing movement sequences. (AC9HP4M03)
Making Active Choices
Participate in physical activities that enhance health and wellbeing in natural and outdoor settings, and analyse the steps and resources needed to promote participation.
Making Healthy & Safe Choices
Analyse how behaviours influence the health, safety, relationships and wellbeing of individuals and communities. (AC9HP6P10)
Elaboration: Describing strategies to support a sense of belonging & connection, and recognising the importance of social support for enhancing mental health & wellbeing.
Interacting with Others
Describe and implement strategies to value diversity in their communities.
Elaboration: Exploring the importance of cultural expressions of First Nations Australians in maintaining a continuing deep connection to Country/Place & its influence on wellbeing.