Biological Science
Compare characteristics of living and non-living things and examine the differences between the life cycles of plants and animals.
Earth and Space Sciences
Compare the observable properties of soils, rocks and minerals and investigate why they are important Earth resources. (AC9S3U02)
Elaborations: Examining different soils from local areas and using magnifying glasses to observe their components, such as plant matter as well as living things such as earthworms and insects.
Describing ways in which living things including humans depend on soils, such as for food, growing plants, providing habitat for organisms, and holding and cleaning water.
Science as Human Endeavour
Use and Influence of Science
Consider how people use scientific explanations to meet a need or solve a problem.
Science Inquiry
Questioning and Predicting
Pose questions to explore observed patterns and relationships & make predictions based on observations. (AC9S3I01)
Planning and Conducting
Follow procedures to make and record observations, including making formal measurements using familiar scaled instruments and using digital tools as appropriate. (AC9S3I03)
Compare findings with those of others, consider if investigations were fair, identify questions for further investigation and draw conclusions. (AC9S3I05)