Science Understanding
Physical Sciences
Investigate and represent balanced and unbalanced forces, including gravitational force, acting on objects, and relate changes in an object's motion to its mass and the magnitude and direction of forces acting on it.
Elaborations: Investigating the effects of applying different forces to familiar objects of the same and different mass.
Analysing the effect of balanced and unbalanced forces on an object's motion, such as starting, stopping and changing direction.
Science Inquiry
Questioning and Predicting
Develop investigable questions, reasoned predictions and hypotheses to explore scientific models, identify patterns and test relationships.
Elaboration: Discussing the relationship between a reasoned prediction and a hypothesis, identifying essential elements of a hypothesis and using a provided scaffold to develop hypotheses.
Plan and conduct reproducible investigations to answer questions and test hypotheses, including identifying variables and assumptions and, as appropriate, recognising and managing risks, considering ethical issues and recognising key considerations regarding heritage sites and artefacts on Country/Place.
Elaborations: Discussing why it is important to identify variables and assumptions when planning an investigation.
Examining the features of reproducible investigations, constructing methods and reviewing other students' methods.
Select and use equipment to generate and record data with precision, using digital tools as appropriate.
Elaboration: Examining how the use of digital tools such as stopwatches can enable the generation of more precise data.
Processing, Modelling and Analysing
Analyse data and information to describe patterns, trends and relationships and identify anomalies.
Elaboration: Identifying anomalies in data and investigating their effect on observed patterns or relationships.
Analyse methods, conclusions and claims for assumptions, possible sources of error, conflicting evidence and unanswered questions.
Elaborations: Identifying and considering indicators of the quality of the data when analysing results to identify unanswered questions.
Evaluating the method used in an investigation, identifying assumptions made about variables that should be controlled, suggesting ways it could be improved and giving reasons for the suggested changes.
Considering the spread of repeated measurements and observations.
Identifying possible sources of error in the method used and describing how the method could be improved to remove these sources of error.
Construct evidence-based arguments to support conclusions or evaluate claims and consider any ethical issues and cultural protocols associated with using or citing secondary data or information.
Elaboration: Drawing a logical conclusion in consideration of the method of data collection, quality of evidence and limitations or significance of a claim.