Biological Sciences
Identify the basic needs of plants and animals, including air, water, food or shelter, and describe how the places they live meet those needs.
Science as Human Endeavour
Describe how people use science in their daily lives, including using patterns to make scientific predictions. (AC9S1H01)
Elaboration: Identifying ways that science knowledge is used in the care of the local environment and suggesting ways local gardens or parks could better meet the needs of native animals.
Science Inquiry
Pose questions to explore observed simple patterns and relationships and make predictions based on experiences. (AC9S1I01)
Elaboration: Posing questions about how animals meet their needs in particular places, such as: 'Where does it shelter? Where does it get water from?'
Suggest and follow safe procedures to investigate questions and test predictions. (AC9S1I02)
Elaboration: Suggesting ways to conduct investigations safely, including being sun safe, using age-appropriate equipment.
Make and record observations, including informal measurements, using digital tools as appropriate. (AC9S1I03)