Health & Physical Education
Moving our bodies
Adapt and modify movement skills across a variety of situations. (AC9HP6M01)
Transfer familiar movement strategies to different movement situations. (AC9HP6M02)
Investigate how different movement concepts related to effort, space, time, objects and people can be applied to improve movement outcomes.(AC9HP6M03)
Learning through Movement
Predict and test the effectiveness of applying different skills and strategies in a range of movement situations. (AC9HP6M07)
Elaboration: Adapting movement skills and strategies from other contexts to generate creative solutions to unfamiliar movement challenges when participating in outdoor activities.
Participate positively in groups and teams by contributing to group activities, encouraging others and negotiating roles and responsibilities (AC9HP6M09)
Making Active Choices
Participate in physical activities that enhance health and wellbeing in natural and outdoor settings, and analyse the steps and resources needed to promote participation. (AC9HP6M05)
Making Healthy & Safe Choices
Analyse how behaviours influence the health, safety, relationships and wellbeing of individuals and communities. (AC9HP6P10)
Elaboration: Describing strategies to support a sense of belonging & connection, and recognising the importance of social support for enhancing mental health & wellbeing.
Interacting with Others
Describe and demonstrate how respect and empathy can be expressed to positively influence relationships. (AC9HP6P04)